I’ve Got the Shoes Blues

Shoes. That’s what really separates the men from the women. And we girls love them….shoes, that is. The travel experts advise taking a maximum of three pairs of shoes on any trip. One for walking, a pair of sandals for warm weather, and a pair of reasonable dress shoes, whatever that means. That’s like being forced to choose a favorite child. Who can do that? I’m sorry, but while I should exercise some restraint with my travel wardrobe, shoes are not the place to start. Christian Louboutin, of the famed red soles, once said, “I would hate for someone to look at my shoes and say, ‘Oh my God! That looks so comfortable!’ ”. I have to agree.

“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.”

~Marilyn Monroe

But, which ones are the right shoes?

Shoes Blues


  1. Take them all except the “sunflower” ones. They look like they’d flop off. Also, add your Crocs (not shown) for sand, mud and showering!

    1. Really? Not taking them all, but the crocs are a given. The sunflower ones were thrown in there to look pretty, not to seriously consider. Also, I do have to take some of those dreaded “comfortable” shoes for real walking. And they take up the most space!
      …sadly the leopards are staying home.

  2. Are the travel experts men? There is no way to leave on a 4-6 month trip with 3 pairs of shoes. A friend of mine recently told me a story of her friend that took 26 pairs of shoes on a 3 week cruise. Her husband was in agreement because he liked for her to look nice ( and what difference does one extra suitcase make?). Just remember that summer shoes don’t take up very much room, so add that extra pair of shoes. Accessories are a girls best friend!! Kathy

    1. Kathy, I absolutely thought of you when I wrote this post since you have the most fabulous shoes! I knew you would understand. Thanks for the support 🙂

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