Sea Daze

DSC01632Only one more day left on this sleepy island. Then I have to come out of my coma and wake up to real life. Sanibel has a way of sucking you into a fantasy world where no one hurries to be anywhere or do anything, or even have a schedule at all. You can sleep in a little longer, dress more casually, read a lot more, stroll, eat, nap, at least for a while, without guilt or a care in the world. And, in just the last week, I traded in my socks, jeans, and insulated jacket for flip flops, shorts, and sunscreen, as the weather finally gave in to the warmth and sunshine that Florida is famous for, creating the additional delusion that it is summer.

We have made delicious, simple meals of fresh fish and organic local vegetables, and sampled the island’s restaurant cuisine. There have been leisurely bike rides and walks on the beach, shared time with dear friends, historic sightseeing, and an abundance of natural highlights. All in a laid-back island style we quickly embraced.

I’m ready to leave, I guess. It’s hard to do any purposeful thinking here with so much calm and absence of responsibility. As great as it is, eventually it makes me feel, well…purposeless. I will miss the sunshine and warmth, and how quickly I forgot that it is still winter. But I’m sure, as we head back north, with the beach in our rear view mirror, I’ll soon remember to be glad I have my jacket.

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  1. I can’t believe you are leaving already??? Are you going to stop in a city for awhile because I thought you were not returning until March 3rd? I must have mixed my dates up.

  2. Kristy, it was 75 degrees here yesterday, so at least you will be able to ease back into reality 🙂

  3. Have a beautiful last beach day and safe travels home.  We’re having a few Spring days right now.  Vicki and family leave tomorrow.  We’ll see you soon! XXOOCharmaine

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