Overpacked and Underdressed

Packing to live somewhere else for 6 months feels a bit like moving. When I travel, I always have the best intentions to pack a simple, capsule wardrobe with basic necessities. In fact, I tend to pride myself on efficiency in packing, finding multi-purpose in items, and knowing I can always do laundry to save…

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All the Way Around the World

Miami to Miami. Around the World. 360 degrees. 180 days. We are about to do it again. In 2015, we took an around-the-world cruise that was thwarted at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances, shortened to sort of two-thirds around the world. And, while it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, there is a certain attraction…

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Family Reunion

We were passengers on Oceania Insignia’s inaugural Miami to Miami “Around the World in 180 Days” voyage. Except, it turned out to be 109 days, thwarted at the final hour by a tragic accident on the ship. We were given the option to cancel or join the itinerary 71 days later in Singapore, when the…

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