Whitsunday Islands Playground

The Whitsunday Islands, off the central coast of Queensland, Australia in the Great Barrier Reef, were discovered by Captain James Cook on the Sunday of the feast of Whitsun, observed seven weeks after Easter. However, as the International Date Line had not been established, it was actually Whit-Monday. We anchored off the resort destination of…

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“Cans” and Bottles

The relaxed ambiance is readily apparent in this north Queensland city, pronounced “Cans” by the Aussies. Cairns, Australia, is surrounded by tropical forests, coffee, tea, and sugar cane plantations and, of course, the living masterpiece of the Great Barrier Reef stretching along its coast. The area has two seasons, wet and dry, and can have…

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Guardians of the Reef

The notoriously difficult waters of the Torres Strait are located between Australia and New Guinea and contain more than 274 small islands in the Queensland territory. The strait connects to the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral reef system that stretches for 1,500 miles along the northeast coast of the continent. These waters require…

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