The Norwegian Dream

It kind of seems that every single Norwegian has, essentially, won the lottery. In the 1960’s, huge oil reserves were discovered under the North Sea, and in 1990, the government declared that their oil wealth should be used to develop a qualitatively better society, defined as “greater equality”. The industry was put under democratic control…

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City of Contrasts

When you think of the most expensive cities in the world for expats, the usual suspects that come to mind are places like Hong Kong, Singapore, Zurich. Certainly not Luanda. Yet, this capital city of Angola trumps them all. For years, the city drew attention for its bloody civil war that racked the country from…

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Bewitching Lomé

I am of the mind to get out and see everything I can at each port. I will likely never get back to this corner of the world again, and I want to take it all in while I’m here….now. And, I never even thought I would land in a place called Lomé, in a…

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Sunshine in Ghana

The Ghanaian people are self named the “sunshine people” for their peaceful demeanor, in this largely Christian country surrounded by neighbors in upheaval. And they seem to be innocently content going on about their lives, with few needs and seemingly fewer opportunities. Though early education is free and “compulsory”, the challenge exists with parents who…

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