Spices of Life

Cruise ships always seem to have an emphasis on food and as the ships are provisioned at ports around the world, local cuisine can be featured with all the natural and fresh ingredients available. In Asia, where their spices were once the currency that inspired world exploration, the resources are vast and exotic. Recently I attended an onboard cooking demonstration led by renowned Indian guest chef Vernon Coehlo, who was trained in Mumbai and teaches extensively, specializing in creating an awareness of Indian cuisine and spices.

We watched him prepare Pork Vindaloo and Fish Raechado with an array of ingredients that reminded me we were not in Kansas anymore. I may have to do some detective work to find all the components for these recipes back home, but when I do, the aromas in my midwest kitchen will take me right back to Asia.

  1. Sure enjoying all your posts! Just wanted you to know I got to play with Dapper a couple times when I dropped off and picked up Lena at Broadmore. He did his tricks and seemed to be happy and very playful. He was happier about seeing Lena than me! Played with him today…he is doing just fine.

    Happy Anniversary to you and Dean!!!

    1. Cathy, thanks so much for the update on my little boy. I miss him so much. Hearing you say he is doing fine is very reassuring. Give him a hug for me next time you see him….and thanks for the anniversary wishes!

  2. Hi, just love Thailand. We spent a good bit of time on Koh Pi Pi Don with friends
    on their sailboat, Sunflower. This is my first chance to get caught up with you and your informative blog. So exciting! Hi to Deano.

  3. Loving all your photos and stories. Deano looks pretty happy. Perhaps you could enlist a volunteer to capture you and Dean in a photo, or three. Haven’t seen your smiling face much! All your photos are top notch.

    1. I’ll try to be in more photos. It’s not always easy as I have to take many of them on the fly. Thanks for the support. I am loving my new Sony Cybershot camera….just what I hoped it would be.

  4. Kristy, Your travel log is so descriptive I feel,like I am traveling with you! Thanks for for taking us along!

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